A bucket-list fish…

The remotely-operated vehicle, Deep Discoverer, explores the deep sea live, while anyone with an internet connection can tune in. The sense of excitement and discovery is palpable. As we watch NOAA’s Okeanos Explorer live feed, we sometimes discuss: what would be the top things you would want to see. This fish made the top of our … More A bucket-list fish…

Gelatinous Tissues and Robot Snailfish

Some deep-sea fish are full of a gelatinous goo—a watery tissue layer. These tissues show up in several different types of fishes, but why are they there? Our new open-access paper in Royal Society Open Science tackles this question. We describe which fishes have gelatinous tissue, show the chemistry of what gelatinous tissues are made … More Gelatinous Tissues and Robot Snailfish

Introducing the Mariana Snailfish!

Mariana Snailfish from nearly 26,000 ft deep in the Mariana Trench, Photo by Alan Jamieson, University of Aberdeen. We are excited to announce the official scientific name for the Mariana snailfish, one of the planet’s deepest-living fishes. Pseudoliparis swirei Gerringer & Linley 2017 Illustration of the Mariana Snailfish. By Thomas Linley, Newcastle University. Watch them swim … More Introducing the Mariana Snailfish!